Friday, September 25, 2009

happy friday

I am trying to learn all about this posting thing. However, I don't know how to respond to people that send me a comment. You all were so sweet and said such nice things, I wanted to say "thank you". My kids have been busy so they haven't had time to help me. Hopefully you all received the wonderful picture Maria took of our KSS Georgia Group. What a fabulous time we had. I can hardly wait for our March Expo. If anyone has the website for Jan I would appreciate it if you could forward it to me. I can't find the paperwork she gave me. Lisa, can't wait to see you in January for CHA!! I am so excited! Again, thanks for all your nice comments.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kitchen Sink Stamps Sept. Challenge

Ok, so my daughter had to help me, but I am going to get this whole blogging thing. I was so in awe of the ladies at the KSS Georgia event that it made me want to try my hand at posting.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I am blogging baby

This is my first blog post so cut me some slack.  Just on my way home from one of the most amazing weekends.  Maria (Kitchen Sink Stamps), Dee, Lynn and Lisa what a great time we all had and I learned so much from each of you.  Thanks for making me feel like I was a part of the crew.  Can't wait for the next trip (March)!!  Lisa be sure to take the second exit!!
P.S. Baby steps, lol